Sunday, December 27, 2009

Today's Irk: Airport Security

A.K.A. Overkill, Cavity search, Violation of rights

Irk Factor: 2/5

Do you remember the days when people could pass through the airport with a little respect? So do I. But since 9/11, those days are gone forever. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the security and protection of innocent lives, but we really need to draw the line somewhere.

Once on the actual plane, you can be given a KNIFE with your dinner, but god help your sorry ass if you try to smuggle a bottle of water on to the plane, let alone a box of chocolate. That’s probably grounds for a cavity search nowadays. But...why?

Personally, I’d love to meet the first terrorist who stood up mid-flight and yelled “THIS IS A HIJACKING!” before pointing a water bottle at a stewardess. Or better yet, the first guy who attempted to bring down a plane with a Ferrero Rochet. Is a nut-filled chocolaty delight really that big of a threat to national security?

I think any overzealous security guard that interrogates a 15 year old girl for trying to “smuggle” a water bottle through security should be forced into a cavity search by someone with elephantitis of the hand.

But that's just my opinion.


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